

An opinionated lightweight web framework built for scale

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Prudence: Tutorial

Let’s learn by example and build a web application using Prudence and JavaScript.

As you follow along, you might want to have the API documentation open in a separate tab for reference.

Table of Contents:



Prudence is written in Go and can be used in Go as an imported library. See the Go example.

If you’re a 100% Go programmer, you might be wondering if Prudence is for you at all, what with all this JavaScript and JST “bloat”. After all, Go already has pleasantly straightforward and powerful built-in libraries for building HTTP backends.

Let’s be clear: Prudence is truly a Go library first and foremost, with the JavaScript interface being entirely optional. If you do not use JavaScript then it will never be running in your program. We chose JavaScript for this tutorial because we wanted to showcase it, but do not be confused: every feature demonstrated below can be used directly in Go.

What Prudence adds to barebones Go is considerable:

So, Go programmer: We suggest reading through the tutorial and keeping in mind that you can do all of this in Go. You might still appreciate what Prudence brings to the table.


Do you hate JavaScript’s dynamic and loosey-goosey type system? Then use TypeScript instead. Prudence comes with TypeScript definitions for all its JavaScript APIs. See the example to get started.

The Server

Our starting point is the prudence run command, which runs JavaScript code in Prudence’s environment. So, let’s create a start.js file with the simplest code possible:

prudence.start(new prudence.Server());

And then run it from a terminal (with -v for more verbose logging):

prudence run start.js -v

If there were no errors then you should see a log message about the server being up and running on the default port, 8080. The program will now block until you kill it, e.g. by pressing CTRL+C.

Let’s open another terminal and test it out:

curl localhost:8080 -v

You should see a successful response with a 200 status code.


This function’s argument is either a single startable object or an array of startable objects. So, you can start several servers at the same time, e.g. to listen on different ports or interfaces.

Prudence will automatically restart itself if any of the dependent files (JavaScript source code or others, such as loaded/included files) are changed. To do this it “watches” these files using filesystem services. To turn this feature off run Prudence with the --watch=false flag. Note that restarting the server(s) this way does not delete any cached representations, even if you’re using the in-memory cache backend.

Secure the Server

By default the server is unencrypted HTTP/1.1. To secure the connection (“https:” with support for HTTP/2 clients) you need to set the PEMs for the TLS certificate and key, either literally or by loading them from a file:

prudence.start(new prudence.Server({
    port: 8081,
    tls: {
        certificate: env.loadString('secret/crt.pem'),
        key: env.loadString('secret/key.pem')

Note that when using curl with “https:” on a port that is not 443 you will need an extra argument:

curl "https://localhost" --cacert secret/crt.pem --connect-to localhost:443:localhost:8081

For testing you can also set tls: {generate: true} to generate a self-signed certificate. To access with curl:

curl --insecure https://localhost:8080 -v

NCSA Logging

To enable an NCSA Common log run Prudence with the --ncsa flag. You can give it a path to a log file:

prudence run start.js --ncsa=/var/log/ncsa.log -v

If you have multiple servers you can use a ncsaLogFileSuffix property that will be added as a suffix to the --ncsa filename:

prudence.start(new prudence.Server({
    ncsaLogFileSuffix: '-main'

Note that if you’re logging NCSA to /dev/ (e.g. /dev/stderr) then the suffix is ignored.

We have a server running. Now, let’s add an application!

The Router

Let’s create a directory for our application, myapp. You don’t have to organize your files in any particular way, but it’s nice to have the application in its own directory. After all, you might want to have more than one application running on the same server. See the skeleton example for a suggestion on how to structure all of your code.

Create a myapp/myapp.js file with this code:

exports.handler = new prudence.Router({
    name: 'myapp',
    routes: [{
        handler: new prudence.Static({
            root: 'files/'
            indexes: 'index.html',
            presentDirectories: true
    }, {
        handler: prudence.defaultNotFound

The name property is optional and only used for logging, which is useful if you have multiple applications running on the same server. Almost all Prudence types support this property.

Create a myapp/files directory and put any file(s) you want there. Note that the “root” path is relative to the current JavaScript file’s directory. Actually, in Prudence almost all file references are relative to the current JavaScript file’s directory.

Then, edit your start.js with this code:

prudence.start(new prudence.Server({
    handler: require('./myapp/myapp').handler

exports and require

Prudence is a CommonJS-style modular JavaScript environment. Simply put, any module can export values, including functions, by placing them in its exports global. Other modules can use require to access those exports. Prudence caches the module’s exports, so that any module is only ever executed once even if it’s required multiple times in your program.

require first looks for the module relative to the current module’s path and then relative to the general path. You can set the general path using the --path flag for prudence or via the PRUDENCE_PATH environment variable. If an extension is not provided then .js will be added.

The require here will give us access to the exports.handler from myapp.js, which is a Router.

You should have a running static file server now. You can use curl again to test it, or open a web browser to http://localhost:8080. The Prudence Static handler will, by default, automatically generate an HTML page listing the contents of the directory (because we set presentDirectories to true).

In the above code we’ve set three different “handlers”. What are these?


Like many HTTP frameworks, Prudence is based on chaining together “handlers” that can modify or terminate a request. Handlers can also delegate to other handlers based on aspects of the request (we call this “routing”, not to be confused with network routing in the IP protocol!).

The Server object only allows for a single handler, so it’s very common to set it to be a Router handler. Routers, as you can see above, allow for multiple “routes”, each with its own handler. Each route is attempted in order. In this case we are trying to handle the request with a Static handler, and if that fails (file not found) it will move on to the next route, which is Prudence’s default 404 Not Found handler.

Note that it’s possible to use the same router with multiple servers, so you can serve the same application on multiple addresses and ports, some secure and some not.

Also note that if none of Prudence’s built-in handlers do what you need then you can always implement a handler directly in JavaScript. A common use case is programmatic redirection, a.k.a. URL rewriting:

exports.handler = new prudence.Router({
    name: 'myapp',
    routes: [{
        handler: function() {
            const p = this.request.path.indexOf('/product/');
            if (p != -1) {
                this.redirect('' + this.request.path.substr(p+9), 301);
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
    }, {
        handler: new prudence.Static({
            root: 'files/'
            indexes: 'index.html',
            presentDirectories: true
    }, {
        handler: prudence.defaultNotFound

Actually, the above solution is not best. It’s better to use bind instead of require for the server’s handler:

prudence.start(new prudence.Server({
    handler: bind('./myapp/myapp', 'handler')

Why is this better? And what is bind?


A bind works a lot like a require: it runs the the JavaScript code and returns the exports. The difference is that you cannot use the bound functions in JavaScript. Instead, bind prepares the exports for hooking into Prudence’s multi-threaded Go environment so that multiple requests will be handled simultaneously by the bound code.

If you use require instead of bind it will still work, but it won’t perform as well under load because Prudence will have to switch to JavaScript’s single-threaded execution environment and requests will have have to wait in line to be handled.

Note that you do not have to use bind everywhere. It’s enough to have bind at just one place in your handler chain to support multi-threading, so doing so once in your server is enough.

One consequence of bind is that it creates a new JavaScript execution environment for the bound code. Bound code will thus not share the same JavaScript globals as other code. To get around this separation you can use env.variables, which are truly global across all execution environments in your program.

Writing code for a multi-threaded environment is not trivial. You might need to rely on synchronization techniques for accessing shared data, for example a mutex created by calling util.mutex() and storing it in env.globals. For an example, see our backend.js file in the hello-world.

By the way, another option for improving performance is to write critical handlers in Go. (See the extension guide). However, as always, avoid premature optimization. A bound JavaScript handler will take you very far indeed.

OK, so we’ve learned how to serve static files. What about dynamic resources?

A Dynamic Resource

Let’s create a myapp/person directory and a myapp/person/resource.js file with this code:

exports.handler = new prudence.Resource({
    facets: {
        paths: '{name}',
        representations: {
            functions: bind('./json')

A Resource is similar to a Router except it has facets instead of routes. Whereas a route is an arbitrary handler, a facet handles a request by generating a representation of the resource or otherwise affecting it. A resource can have multiple facets, and each facet can have multiple representations. Each representation usually targets one or more content types. For example, you might have one representation for HTML and another representation for both JSON and YAML. You can think of the “Resource” as encapsulating state with all facets making use of the same basic state.

You’ll notice that we’re using “bind” again, this time without the second argument, which will bind all the exported functions.

In this example we’re keeping the directory structure simple, but a general good practice for large projects is to build a directory structure like so:

Host (servers) -> Apps (routers) -> Resources -> Facets -> Representations

Of course, it’s up to you. You can even get away with creating an entire Prudence application in a single JavaScript file!


Now let’s create the representation, myapp/person/json.js:

exports.present = function() {
    const data = {name:};
    this.response.contentType = 'application/json';

The name of this exported function, present, is required by Prudence. The functions property in resource.js expects this and other hook names. (We’ll get to the other optional hooks later on in this tutorial.)

Now, edit your myapp/router.js with this code:

exports.handler = new prudence.Router({
    name: 'myapp',
    routes: [{
        paths: 'person/*',
        handler: require('./person/resource').handler
    }, {
        handler: new prudence.Static({
            root: 'files/'
    }, {
        handler: prudence.defaultNotFound

We’ve added an additional route before our other two routes, though in this case we’ve also given it a paths property. Above you’ve seen that the resource’s facet has a paths property, too.


paths is used often in Prudence to control routing. The incoming request URL’s path is checked against our paths before being handled. paths can be a single string, which is what we used here, or a list of strings, in which case any of the strings in the list can match (a logical “or”). They can include some special wildcard characters:

A Complete Request

Our application is more complex now, so let’s follow a request one step at a time:

  1. A GET request comes to the server with this URL: http://localhost:8080/person/linus. The path segment of the URL is person/linus.
  2. The server uses the router as its handler.
  3. The router has three routes, so let’s try them one at a time.
  4. The first route’s paths is person/*. This matches! Before calling the handler the path is changed to the wildcard’s value, which is linus.
  5. The handler is a resource with a single facet, so let’s try it.
  6. The first facet’s paths is {name}. This matches! Before selecting a representation the wildcard’s value is placed in the “name” variable.
  7. The facet has only one representation, so we’ll choose it. The representation is hooked to json.js.
  8. The json.js file doesn’t have any of the optional hooks (more on those later), so we’ll just call its present hook.
  9. present sets the content type to JSON and writes JSON to the response using the “name” variable that was extracted via the path wildcard.

More JavaScript

You might be wondering at this point what APIs are available for your JavaScript code in Prudence. Can you use libraries downloaded from npm? The answer is a qualified no. Most of those libraries are designed to work with Node.js, which is a JavaScipt environment that is very different from Prudence’s. And some are designed for web browsers, which are different yet again. Generic JavaScript code will work, but anything that relies on platform-specific APIs will not.

Prudence provides you with an alternative solution: the ability to use almost any Go library as-is in JavaScript. There’s a growing ecosystem of great Go libraries that can help you write your application, including database drivers. To learn how to use them see the extension guide.

(To be clear, you can definitely use npm JavaScript libraries in your client-side code! That code is run in clients’ browsers, not in Prudence.)


The present hook should not cause server-side changes to the presented resource. However, there are three more hooks you can add to your representation to allow for changes, operations, and other effects.


This hook works with the DELETE verb. The meaning of erasure is up to you: it could be about deleting data from a database, closing a session, invalidating a cache, etc. Just remember that DELETE is idempotent: multiple DELETE requests to the same URL should have the same overall result. A bad example of erasure would thus be decreasing an existing counter, because several calls to DELETE would result in a different final number.

Yes, we did say multiple DELETE requests to the same URL. Though the HTTP specification doesn’t explicitly forbid request bodies in DELETE, many implementations ignore or even discard the body. It is thus generally not a good idea to take the request body into consideration in erase and stick to the URL and headers.

If your erasure succeeds you must set this.done to true. Writing a response body is optional, and indeed many clients may ignore it, just like they ignore the request body. Prudence will automatically set the return code to 204 (No Content) if you don’t write anything. If you do want a response body, it might make sense to call present to render the full representation after the erasure.

In addition to setting this.done to true you can also set this.async to true, which tells the client that erasure is going to happen soon via status 202 (Accepted). This could be a useful optimization for improving throughput, because you can respond to the request quickly and do the actual erasure asynchronously. Of course in some situations it may be important to do a synchronized erasure. Async example:

exports.erase = function() {
    util.go(function() { // runs the function in a thread
    this.done = true;
    this.async = true;

(Note that setting “this.done” to true will also delete any server-side cache for the representation. We’ll get to that in the caching guide.)


This hook works with the PUT verb. Again, the actual meaning of modification is up to you. Importantly, modification refers to both creation and change. Many people think that PUT is meant for creation and POST is meant for change (or the other way around). Those people are wrong: POST has an entirely different use, which we’ll get to below.

PUT like DELETE, it is idempotent. Again, think back to the example of decreasing a counter: when your “modify” is called multiple times in succession with the same request the overall result should be the same.

Erasure, of course, is also a kind of modification, and indeed the “modify” hook can also be used to erase parts of or even the whole resource. For example, an empty request or an empty JSON array or some other directive can be understood by your “modify” to mean erasure. However, the “erase” hook is more specialized in that it allows for the “async” response and is sometimes optimized to ignore the request body. So, it’s generally better to use “erase” for erasure if you can, because its semantics are optimized for that.

As with “erase” you can set context.done to true if the modification happened. There is no support for this.async. However, you can optionally set “context.created” to true to let the client know that the resource was created rather than changed.

Another option is not to set this.done to true and instead do a 303 (See Other) redirect. This is often used for web pages, so that if the user refreshes the page then the PUT will not happen again, possibly unintentionally:

this.redirect(newUrl, 303);

Though not required, it’s often a good idea with PUT to return the modified representation, essentially what we see in the next GET. So it might make sense to just call present. Example:

exports.modify = function() {
    if (mydb.update( === 'new') {
        this.created = true;
    this.done = true;;

(Note that setting this.done to true will also update the server-side cache for the representation. We’ll get to that in the caching guide.)


This hook works with the POST verb. It is the most general-purpose verb, and thus the least possible to optimize. Indeed, POST is non-idempotent and non-cacheable and should be your last resort.

call is what you use for non-idempotent modifications, such as decreasing a counter. But it doesn’t just have to be about modifications. call can run a job, start a workflow, process a payment, or indeed call an API. It’s for any server-side operation on your resource.

JavaScript Templates (JST)

OK, so we know how to create a dynamic resource. But there has to be an easier way to generate HTML other than JavaScript calls to “this.write”, right?

The present function in JavaScript gives us a lot of power, but it can be inconvenient if most of what we’re doing is generating HTML. For this reason Prudence comes with an extensible templating engine, JST, which reverses the order: HTML is the “first-class” default mode, while JavaScript code has to be explicitly delimited. Additionally, JST comes with lots of useful sugar.

Let’s start simple and add another representation to our resource.js:

exports.handler = new prudence.Resource({
    facets: {
        paths: '{name}',
        representations: [{
            functions: bind('./json')
        }, {
            contentTypes: 'text/html',
            functions: bind('./html.jst')

You’ll notice that we are now adding a “contentTypes” property to this representation. This will be matched intelligently against the Accept header sent by the client. “contentTypes” can be a single string or a list of strings (in which case any of them can match; logical “or”). The representations are matched in order, so the JSON representation is our default fallback in case HTML does not match.

Now, let’s create myapp/person/html.jst

<!DOCTYPE html>
        Name: <%== 'name' %>
        Some numbers:
<% for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { %>
        <div><%= i %></div>
<% } %>

As you can see, we embed arbitrary JavaScript code using the <% and %> delimiters. The first character right after the opening delimiter is used for sugar. In this case the <%== sugar writes the context variable in-place and <%= writes any JavaScript expression, in this case a local number variable.

For more JST sugar see the JST documentation. It is even possible to extend JST with your own custom sugar.

Behind the scenes the the entire JST file is translated into JavaScript code and wrapped in an exported present function, allowing it to be used with “bind” in the same way we hooked json.js. Note that you can also refer to that present function directly:

bind('./html.jst', 'present')

If you now check the http://localhost:8080/person/linus URL in your web browser, it will indeed default to this HTML representation, because that’s what web browsers prefer. With curl you need to explicitly ask for HTML:

curl localhost:8080/person/linus -v --header 'Accept: text/html'

JST also makes it easy to create reusable page templates by capturing content and embedding representations. For example, here’s a html.jst:

<%! 'body' %>
    This is the body captured into context variable 'body'
<%& 'template.jst' %>

And template.jst:

<head><title>My Site</title></head>
    <%== 'body' %>


Prudence allows for pluggable “renderers” that can transform text in various ways, including rendering markup languages, such as Markdown.

Programmatic use of “prudence.render”:

let content = prudence.loadString('');
content = prudence.render(content, 'markdown');

In JST you can do the same with the “include” sugar, <%+:

<%+ '', 'markdown' %>

Or just render an area of the JST with the “render” sugar, <%^:

<%^ 'minhtml' %>

For a list of all supported renders see the documentation.


Prudence makes it easy to schedule jobs using a crontab-like pattern. Enable the feature before calling “prudence.start” in your start.js:

prudence.setScheduler(new prudence.LocalScheduler());

Then you can schedule any function. For example, let’s run a function every 10 seconds:

prudence.schedule('1/10 * * * * *', function() {'scheduled hello!');

Note that you can call “prudence.schedule” at any time, not just in start.js.

Next Steps

You’re now an expert on all the basics and also very smart and attractive. It is recommended to continue to the caching guide.